Session 1 - Mission and Vision
Based on what occupies your time, effort and resources, what seems to be your main mission in life?
In this lesson, you will learn about the challenge to obey Christ’s commission to all His followers —“to make disciples of all nations”. As God’s people, we have the highest privilege of participation in God’s mission and fulfill His vision. Find out what God’s mission and vision is for His church and how you can take part in it.

Session 2 - CCF Strategy
Do you plan for and strategize on how to succeed at work? In your business and finances? How about life in general?
This session enables us to examine CCF’s discipleship journey how it contributes to our maturity towards Christlikeness. We will take a look into the strategy for spiritual multiplication that CCF employs based on Biblical principles and model for raising up leaders for God’s kingdom.
Session 3 - Core Values Part 1
To a large extent, the way we are and the values we live out as individuals reflect the kind of family or organization we belong to. As Christ-committed followers, our lives ought to reflect the values that Jesus embodied and demonstrated during his earthly life as recorded in Scriptures. As members of CCF, how we live our lives should also reflect the core values that are “encoded” in our church DNA. Discover what that DNA is in this session!
Session 4 - Core Values Part 2
What does it mean to be a follower of Christ? How is that expressed in the way we live our lives?
We continue to learn more of the core values that we have as a community of believers at CCF and how we can live those out as an expression of our love for God and faith in Jesus Christ.