What is a small group? 

The Christian life is not meant to be lived alone. God wants us to be with other Christians so we can grow in Christ-likeness. In this session, we will learn why small groups are important, the purpose of small groups, the four functions of small group discipleship, and the classification of small groups in CCF.  

What is Life-on-life Discipleship? 

Find the best example and principles of life-on-life discipleship from Jesus Christ. In doing such kind of discipleship, a Dgroup leader plays different roles as others look up to them for guidance and direction while modeling Christ-like character and behavior.  

How to do discipleship? 

We are all works in progress in God’s gracious hands. Discipleship in small groups is one of the means God uses in molding us into Christlikeness. In this lesson, we will learn about starting and sustaining a small group and integrating the Three-thirds Process in Dgroups.

How to handle some personalities and situations in a Dgroup? 

Conflict is inevitable in our lives and even in Dgroups. However, as followers of Christ, our perspective and actions in handling conflicts should be Bible-based. This session will help us resolve conflict and other issues that we will encounter in our Dgroups.