SESSION 1: “Discipleship Essentials for Multiplication;

In this session, we will discover how CCF as a community of faith multiplied followers of Christ. We will explore CCF’s best practices in small group multiplication. The multiplier will learn the essentials and competencies needed to grow and multiply healthy disciples of Christ in the context of small groups.

SESSION 2: “Discipleship Essentials for Multiplication; Having a clear vision

In order to achieve spiritual multiplication, our small groups must be healthy and naturally result in multiplication. Healthy groups grow and multiply by having a clear vision.

SESSION 3: “Discipleship Essentials for Multiplication; Characteristics of a Small Group Leader

We will explore the kind of life a Dgroup leader should have, the qualities and the necessary competencies in order for him to become a multiplier.  He will not just be a leader, but one that works with God in multiplying disciples. We will also look at some ministry principles and practices that will help the Dgroup leader develop generations of disciples. This module will equip the Dgroup leader to become a multiplier in character, mindset, heart and skills.

SESSION 4: “Discipleship Essentials for Multiplication; Four Core Leadership Area of Discipleship

In this last session, we will continue our study on the process of developing multipliers for the small group ministry. This will surely help the Dgroup leader to become a multiplier by helping his members become leaders as well.