What is the gospel?

The word “gospel” in Greek* literally means “good news.” The question is what is the “good news”? The answer to this and most of our questions about the Christian faith are found in the Word of God, the Bible. We will discover, by studying the Bible, answers to questions concerning how Jesus truly is relevant to our lives – how He loves us, and how He can truly transform our lives.

How many ways are there to salvation?

There are many views on how to be saved and how to be certain of our eternal destiny before God. Most of them have a ring of truth. Yet when we think a little more deeply, we find that many are in conflict with what God Himself has revealed to us in His Word. The Bible gives us the only certain knowledge of how salvation is possible. It corrects many of our wrong ideas about being saved. What are some of the common thoughts or feelings we have concerning our salvation?

How can I know if I have eternal life?

In the first two sessions, we saw that the Bible is very clear – one cannot be saved on the basis of doing good deeds, being religious, or trying to make up for our sin through religious rituals. We are saved by God’s grace through faith alone in Christ’s sacrifice for our sin. It is not because we are good that we are saved, but because God is good, and He made a way for us to be saved.

At the same time, the Bible warns us that not everyone who thinks they are saved will actually experience eternal life.

Matthew 7:21

21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.

Matthew 7:21 says that not everyone at the final judgment who says to Him “Lord, Lord” is truly saved. Can we know for sure?

In the previous session, we learned that we can have the wonderful assurance of having a permanent relationship with God. At times we might feel otherwise – that perhaps we may disappoint Him, and that somehow that relationship will change. What does the Bible say about such fears?

How can I live a life that honors God?

In Session 4, we learned that our relationship with God is permanent. Even if we occasionally stray, sin does not permanently damage our relationship with God. We can be restored to the joy of our new life in Christ by confessing our sin and turning back to God.

But it would be even better to consistently see victory over sin! How can we consistently live in a way that pleases the Lord? In this lesson, we will learn several important principles which will help you grow in obedience to Christ.

How will I grow in my relationship with God?

If you have ever been “in love”, then you know what it is like to have a growing desire to know the person you fell in love with. Married couples especially know that entering into a relationship and growing in intimacy with your loved one are two different things.