About the series

Find out how a Christ-centered life is rooted in our identity in Him. Discover what it means to live a Christ-committed life and how our “doing” for Christ must always flow from our “being” in Christ.

Session 1: Lordship of Christ

Next Sessions

Session 2
Living a Life Surrendered to Christ’s Lordship
Session 3
Walking in the Spirit
Session 4
How to Walk in the Spirit

other series in Discipleship


Giving is Blessing

Find out why we can consider giving as blessing as you go through this short module with Pastor Peter Tanchi.


Living Biblically

This module will teach the student how to integrate insights God’s Word into day-to-day living.


The Story of the Bible

The Story of the Bible is the story of God redeeming the nations using ordinary people like you and me.

featured series


Living Biblically

This module will teach the student how to integrate insights God’s Word into day-to-day living.

Book Studies

Book of James

Go through a 5-part book study series on the Book of James: Faith That Works.

Start your
discipleship journey

small group

Take GLC 1

Get to know Jesus, basic spiritual disciplines, and foundations of the Christian faith.

Take GLC 2

Discover the heart of discipleship, God’s awesome plan for families and Christianity’s basic doctrines.


Especially for Dgroup Leaders as you mentor, coach and counsel others to mature in the faith.