About GLC
We are Christ’s Commission Fellowship’s leadership training and development program.
What is GLC?
Going through the GLC Curriculum

GLC 1 is open to all and has four modules that give an expanded view of the gospel, the basics of the Christian life, and introduces CCF’s DNA which forms the basis for everything that we do as a church. Expect to know how to pray, care in tangible ways, and share your faith in Christ to your family and others at the end of this training level.
Learn more about GLC 1.

GLC 2 introduces how we do small group discipleship, God’s awesome plan for families, Spirit-filled living and the basic doctrines of the Christian life. Expect to be trained on how to influence people for Christ in your spheres of influence such as in the marketplace and in communities around you. This level is available for all GLC 1 graduates and CCF dgroup members.
Learn more about GLC 2.

GLC 3 LEAD provides more specialized training for CCF dgroup leaders and multipliers on how to better mentor, coach, and counsel their disciples towards spiritual maturity and multiplication. Apologetics and Bible book study series are an integral part of this equipping level. Sharing the gospel beyond your families and familiar places is emphasized so expect the training to include lessons on understanding worldviews, practical learnings on how to begin and sustain spiritual movements around the Philippines and “all the nations” through multiplying leaders who will “make Christ-committed followers who will make Christ-committed followers”.
Learn more about GLC 3.
An overarching theme for GLC training is knowing, loving and obeying God in the power of the Holy Spirit as we follow Jesus in our family relationships, at work, in ministry and in all our pursuits and passions in life.
Training Formats

Big Small Group
Here, the training is done in a big plenary group. Afterwards, further discussion is done in a small group setting.

GLC e-Learning
If your work or lifestyle prevent you to take onsite GLC trainings, consider getting equipped online. GLC is now available 24/7 with GLC Online.

GLC in Small Groups
The trainee goes through GLC lessons with their DGroup Leader at their Small Group meetings.

GLC Zoom Classes
Our trademark interactive GLC classes conducted real-time by a GLC teacher via Zoom.