About the series

The story of the Bible goes deeper than we can fathom and wider than we can dream. It is the story of God revealing His glory to all nations so that He might receive glory from all nations. From God’s Great Mission given to the first human beings in Genesis, to Christ’s Great Commission given to the first disciples in Matthew 28:18-20, to the Holy Spirit’s Great Decommission in Revelation, THE STORY OF THE BIBLE is the story of mission. It is the story of discipleship, the story of redemption, the story of multiplication… and the story of Good News for all nations; every tribe, every people, every person, every language. God’s heart for all nations saturates every page of the Bible. Discipling the nations is His mission and, therefore, discipling the nations is everyone’s mission.

From Genesis to Revelation, The Story of the Bible is about God revealing His glory to all nations so that He might receive glory from all nations. It is a story about how God blesses us with His glory so that we can be a blessing of His glory to all nations. It is the story of God redeeming the nations using ordinary people like you and me.

Session 1 – Introduction: God Creates Man; Man Creates Gods

Next Sessions

Session 2 – The Plot
God Blesses Men to be a Blessing to Men (Part 1)
Session 3 – The Plot
God Blesses Men to be a Blessing to Men (Part 2)
Session 4 – The Conclusion
God Saves Men, Men Savor God

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