About the series

Explore how you can experience lasting change from the inside out through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Then make a positive impact on the world around you as you discover and live out the truth and grace of the gospel.

Introduction to Book 1

Next Sessions

Session 1
One Truth – The Gospel
Session 2
One Way – The Savior
Session 3
One Proof – Our New Life in Christ
Session 4
One Promise – The Assurance of Salvation
Session 5
One Source – The Holy Spirit
Session 6
One Pursuit – Growing in Our Relationship in Christ

other series in GLC 1


Book 4: CCF DNA

See the big picture of what Christ’s Commission Fellowship is all about, discover our God given mission, vision, and core values.


Book 3: The Holy Spirit

Discover who the Holy Spirit is and the importance of the Spirit-filled life for every child of God.

featured series


Making Disciples

This course is designed for believers to understand their calling to Christ-likeness in character and mission.


Personal Development

This module addresses issues involved in the development of a believer’s spiritual, physical, mental, relational and emotional health.


Lead Like Jesus

How did Jesus lead his small band of followers then that has since grown into a worldwide movement?

Start your
discipleship journey

small group

Take GLC 1

Get to know Jesus, basic spiritual disciplines, and foundations of the Christian faith.

Take GLC 2

Discover the heart of discipleship, God’s awesome plan for families and Christianity’s basic doctrines.


Especially for Dgroup Leaders as you mentor, coach and counsel others to mature in the faith.