Book 3: The Holy Spirit
Discover who the Holy Spirit is and the importance of the Spirit-filled life for every child of God.

Book 4: CCF DNA
See the big picture of what Christ’s Commission Fellowship is all about, discover our God given mission, vision, and core values.

Book 7: Family Life
Be a blessing to your family and lead them to Jesus as you become a Christ-like spouse, sibling and child.

Creation vs. Evolution (Pastor Peter Tanchi)
Are we merely by-products of chance, accidents of nature that simply happened? Or, is there a divine creator who made everything ?

Giving is Blessing
Find out why we can consider giving as blessing as you go through this short module with Pastor Peter Tanchi.

Leadership Skills for Small Group Leaders – Biblical Counselling
Learn how to help others develop a Biblical worldview and know the truth that guides right thinking and actions.

Leadership Skills for Small Group Leaders – Conflict Resolution
Learn how to resolve conflicts with peacemaking principles from the Bible.

Marks of Spiritual Leadership
Learn how God develops love, humility and obedience in us, and keep growing in spiritual leadership.

Reliability of the Bible
Discover why the Bible is truly reliable and examine the historical accuracy of Scripture.

Spiritual Warfare
Dr. Peter Tan-Chi provides an overview of Biblical principles for Winning in Spiritual Warfare.

Starting Line
Starting Line is a primer for CCF Dgroup leaders on the essentials of small group discipleship.

The Leadership Culture of CCF (5H’s of Leadership)
Leaders are the lifeblood of any organization. If the church has healthy leaders, it will inevitably grow and thrive.

What On Earth Is Going On?
A 6-week small group study series on Biblical prophecy and its relevance to current headlines.