About the series

The nurturing, training and equipping of new believers must follow the initial efforts of evangelism. This course is designed for believers to understand their calling to Christ-likeness in character and mission. It aims to answer questions on who is a disciple, what are the elements involved in disciple-making, what is the cost of discipleship and how to make disciples. It is hoped that upon completion of this course, believers will actively engage in personal disciplemaking.

Session 1: What is Personal Evangelism and Follow-Up?

Next Sessions

Session 2
Why Should We Do Personal Evangelism and Follow-Up?
Session 3
Being a Contagious Christian
Session 4
Factors in Evangelism
Session 5
How to Share the Gospel
Session 6
How to Do Follow-Up

other series in Evangelism


Dare to Share

In Dare to Share, we will learn how to invest in eternity by praying, caring and sharing the love of Christ.


Best Decision

Share the good news and salvation with people with the help of our Best Decision Gospel Video and Tracts.


Step One

Learn a simple yet powerful way of sharing Christ. Take the first step of faith in sharing the gospel to your circle of influence with STEP ONE!


Digital Evangelism

Maximize social media and technology for the spread of the Gospel in these times!

featured series


Best Decision

Share the good news and salvation with people with the help of our Best Decision Gospel Video and Tracts.


Lead Like Jesus

How did Jesus lead his small band of followers then that has since grown into a worldwide movement?


Making Sense of 2020

Many of us are seeking for even the tiniest explanation for the chaos in our world today.

Start your
discipleship journey

small group

Take GLC 1

Get to know Jesus, basic spiritual disciplines, and foundations of the Christian faith.

Take GLC 2

Discover the heart of discipleship, God’s awesome plan for families and Christianity’s basic doctrines.


Especially for Dgroup Leaders as you mentor, coach and counsel others to mature in the faith.