About the series
Speaker/s in this Module
other series in Discipleship

Living Biblically
This module will teach the student how to integrate insights from God’s Word into day-to-day living.

How to Start a Dgroup Workshop
Are there things holding you back from discipling others? Understand discipleship in this 1-hour workshop.

The Story of the Bible
The Story of the Bible is the story of God redeeming the nations using ordinary people like you and me.

Christ-Committed Living
Realize that a Christ-centered life is rooted in our identity in Him.
featured series

Creation vs. Evolution (Pastor Peter Tanchi)
Are we merely by-products of chance, accidents of nature that simply happened? Or, is there a divine creator who made everything ?

Leadership 2 (Leadership is Influence)
Practical suggestions on how to cultivate the relational and spiritual growth of your Dgroup members are included in this lesson.

As It Was In the Days of Noah
Is Jesus’ prophecy now being fulfilled? And if yes, how then should we respond?

Lost: Finding the Right Path
A talk on finding your way back home where you will find what you have been truly searching for all this time.
Start your
discipleship journey