other series in Leadership


Effective Communication

This module seeks to develop your effectiveness as a Bible expositor and communicator in various contexts and settings.

featured series


Introduction to Apologetics

Learn the basics of how to defend the faith and go through a worldviews overview in this 2-part Apologetics module series.

Book Studies

Book of James

Go through a 5-part book study series on the Book of James: Faith That Works.


Making Disciples

This course is designed for believers to understand their calling to Christ-likeness in character and mission.

Start your
discipleship journey

small group

Take GLC 1

Get to know Jesus, basic spiritual disciplines, and foundations of the Christian faith.

Take GLC 2

Discover the heart of discipleship, God’s awesome plan for families and Christianity’s basic doctrines.


Especially for Dgroup Leaders as you mentor, coach and counsel others to mature in the faith.