About the series

How come there are people whose lives “changed” yet never knew God? Is God really needed for lives to change? Let us learn from CCF Elder Mr. Alex Patricio as he tackles this topic entitled “REBOOT”

Next Session

Part 2

other series in Apologetics


The Evidence of Truth

This series looks into the evidence of the truth for some of the most hotly-contested areas of belief.


Stones and Scriptures

“Stones and Scriptures” will explore how Biblical manuscripts were written, copied and preserved.

featured series


Servant Leadership

What are the hallmarks of a true servant leader as far as God is concerned and as taught in the Bible?


Introduction to Missions

Learn the biblical concepts of world missions and see opportunities on how we can really go and make disciples of all the nations.


Making Disciples

This course is designed for believers to understand their calling to Christ-likeness in character and mission.

Start your
discipleship journey

small group

Take GLC 1

Get to know Jesus, basic spiritual disciplines, and foundations of the Christian faith.

Take GLC 2

Discover the heart of discipleship, God’s awesome plan for families and Christianity’s basic doctrines.


Especially for Dgroup Leaders as you mentor, coach and counsel others to mature in the faith.