Soul Care
About the series
This timely module will encourage leaders to practice soul care for a lifetime of ministry and a strong finish. The disciplines of Solitude and Silence, Simplicity, Submission and Service will be discussed and practiced in the course of the module.
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other series in GLC 3

Reliability of the Bible
Discover why the Bible is truly reliable and examine the historical accuracy of Scripture.

Spiritual Warfare
Dr. Peter Tan-Chi provides an overview of Biblical principles for Winning in Spiritual Warfare.

Leadership Skills for Small Group Leaders – Mentoring and Coaching
Be equipped with basic knowledge and skills to mentor and coach your Dgroup members so that they too can disciple others effectively.

Leadership Skills for Small Group Leaders – Conflict Resolution
Learn how to resolve conflicts with peacemaking principles from the Bible.

Leadership Skills for Small Group Leaders – The Ministry of Restoration
This module equips the believer to help other believers who have fallen and wounded by sin.

Starting Line
Starting Line is a primer for CCF Dgroup leaders on the essentials of small group discipleship.
featured series

Introduction to Apologetics
Learn the basics of how to defend the faith and go through a worldviews overview in this 2-part Apologetics module series.

Leadership 2 (Leadership is Influence)
Practical suggestions on how to cultivate the relational and spiritual growth of your Dgroup members are included in this lesson.

Making Sense of 2020
Many of us are seeking for even the tiniest explanation for the chaos in our world today.

Lead Like Jesus
How did Jesus lead his small band of followers then that has since grown into a worldwide movement?
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