About the series
Speaker/s in this Module
other series in Evangelism
Best Decision
Share the good news and salvation with people with the help of our Best Decision Gospel Video and Tracts.
Everyday Apologetics: Why Conversations, Not Confrontations
Reaching out to others is as simple as striking up a conversation with them from the heart.
Making Disciples
This course is designed for believers to understand their calling to Christ-likeness in character and mission.
Dare to Share
In Dare to Share, we will learn how to invest in eternity by praying, caring and sharing the love of Christ.
Digital Evangelism
Maximize social media and technology for the spread of the Gospel in these times!
featured series
Book of Malachi
Let us learn what God expects from us as we go through this GLC Book Study on Malachi.
Giving is Blessing
Find out why we can consider giving as blessing as you go through this short module with Pastor Peter Tanchi.
What About People Who Have Not Heard?
Get a better understanding of the heart of God and the intricacies of His plan to bring salvation to all men .
Life Unboxed
Discover the real purpose of your life as you go through this 4-part series on “Life Unboxed”.