About the series

How can we consistently live in a way that honors God? Discover who the Holy Spirit is and the importance of the Spirit-filled life for every child of God. Understand the gifts and fruit of the Spirit and learn how to be more dependent on the Lord as you apply the truth about the Holy Spirit in your life.

Session 1: The Holy Spirit

Next Sessions

Session 2
Session 3
Session 4

other series in GLC 1


Book 4: CCF DNA

See the big picture of what Christ’s Commission Fellowship is all about, discover our God given mission, vision, and core values.


Book 1: One By One

Explore how you can experience lasting change from the inside out through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.

featured series


Stones and Scriptures

“Stones and Scriptures” will explore how Biblical manuscripts were written, copied and preserved.

Start your
discipleship journey

small group

Take GLC 1

Get to know Jesus, basic spiritual disciplines, and foundations of the Christian faith.

Take GLC 2

Discover the heart of discipleship, God’s awesome plan for families and Christianity’s basic doctrines.


Especially for Dgroup Leaders as you mentor, coach and counsel others to mature in the faith.