About the series
Speaker/s in this Module
other series in Apologetics

What About People Who Have Not Heard?
Get a better understanding of the heart of God and the intricacies of His plan to bring salvation to all men .

Lost: Finding the Right Path
A talk on finding your way back home where you will find what you have been truly searching for all this time.

Where is God in the Midst of Pain and Suffering?
A sensitive yet always relevant topic of God’s presence and participation in a suffering world.

Introduction to Apologetics
Learn the basics of how to defend the faith and go through a worldviews overview in this 2-part Apologetics module series.

The Evidence of Truth
This series looks into the evidence of the truth for some of the most hotly-contested areas of belief.

God’s Love Wins: Understanding LGBT in Light of God’s Love
In a world of diverse sexuality, what does it mean to say that God’s love embraces all?
featured series

Step One
Learn a simple yet powerful way of sharing Christ. Take the first step of faith in sharing the gospel to your circle of influence with STEP ONE!

The Story of the Bible
The Story of the Bible is the story of God redeeming the nations using ordinary people like you and me.

Digital Evangelism
Maximize social media and technology for the spread of the Gospel in these times!

What On Earth Is Going On?
A 6-week small group study series on Biblical prophecy and its relevance to current headlines.
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