Peter Tan-Chi is the founder and senior pastor of Christ’s Commission Fellowship (CCF). What began as a home Bible study in 1983 with a few unchurched couples has now grown to over 122 local and international satellites, and to which millions are tuning in worldwide.
Mr. Alex Patricio has worked for international and local banks for over 40 years. He believes that excellent work is a way to witness for Christ and glorify God in the marketplace. Alex serves as a CCF trustee, and he and Beth serve as Dgroup leaders.
Peter completed his undergrad at Ateneo and has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business. He works in finance for a real estate developer. The eldest son of Pastor Peter and Deonna Tanchi, Peter Jr. loves technology and sports and is a Dgroup leader along with his wife, Jennifer.
Glenn Yu is the CEO of SEAOIL Philippines, Inc., the leading and largest independent fuel company in the country. He is regarded by everyone in the organization as the innovative, God-centered, and family-loving leader who encourages employees to strive for excellence and integrity in their professional and personal lives.
Pastor Nett Has worked in the field of Human Resources – specifically in the area of Organizational Development and Change Management. To date, he is a full-time Regional Pastor for South Luzon and concurrently the Chairman of CCF’s National Church Planting (NCP) Committee.
Pastor JP was the VP-GM for the Rockwell Leisure Club after serving as VP-GM of The Power Plant Mall. He joined CCF in 2013 and now serves as Central Management Services Director, Chief-of-Staff, and a Management Committee Member.
Pastor Ricky is CCF’s Executive Pastor serves as part of the organization’s management committee. He worked in the insurance industry for nearly 30 years where he served as AVP, VP, and SVP in various multinational health insurance companies. A CCF full-time pastor today, his heart is all for making disciples and multiplying small groups.
Pastor Jim has been a missionary for over 35 years. He was with the regional leadership team of CRU Southeast Asia, served as Assistant to the Vice President of CRU International for Global Church Movements, and was an Executive Director of the International Graduate School of Leadership (IGSL).
Pastor Desmond is a graduate of the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines (BSOP) where he earned his MDiv in Christian Studies. It was in seminary where he met his wife, Jojo a fellow-student at that time. He was part of the pastoral staff of a Filipino-Chinese church before joining CCF where he served as a volunteer pastor.
Pastor Erwin used to be a banker before he became a pastor in CCF. He’s actively involved with GLC, apologetics forums, and various ministries such as Shepherd’s Staff, UPLIFT, and Penuel. He’s married to Jhie and they have four grown children and eight grandchildren.
Pastor Jess served as CCF Davao Lead Pastor, Strategic Planning and Admin Pastor at CCF Main, and CCF Eastwood Lead Pastor. He is currently the General Manager for CCF Retreat Center.
Dr. Glenn Obligacion joined CCF in 1986 and has been involved in the music ministry since 1988. He served as the pastor in-charge of the CCF Exalt ministry which oversees the music ministry operations and activities for many years. Since February 2020, Pastor Glenn has fully transitioned as head pastor of CCF North EDSA.
Pastor Marty is director of CCF’s youth ministry, ELEVATE. Present in over 150 campuses, with over 3,000 discipleship groups to date, Marty leads a team of campus missionaries dedicated to multiplying Christ-committed disciples among students.
Pastor Vic is the National Church Planting (NCP) Director for GMAA. He is also the Hub Pastor for CCF’s Metro South churches composed of CCF Alabang, Las Pinas, Paranaque, Muntinlupa, and Sta. Rosa.
Pastor Bong is a CCF pastor and motivational speaker. He graduated cum laude from the Philippine School of Business Administration (PSBA) with a degree in accountancy. Formerly with accounting firm SVG, Pastor Bong currently heads CCF’s Marketplace ministry.
Pastor Joby graduated from Menlo School of Business in Palo Alto California and took up special courses at Harvard University with honors. He worked in a US military leasing company and back in Manila, worked in the airline cargo industry while setting up 5 personal businesses in a span of 20 years.
Pastor Danny completed his Master’s Degree in Transformational Leadership at the International Graduate School of Leadership. He and his wife, Dawn are blessed with two sons, a daughter, and a daughter-in-law.
Edric loves God with all his heart, soul, and strength. An edu-preneur (education entrepreneur), Edric is focused on home education, personal finance, and family life. He is the President of Homeschool Global, with over 3,100 students across 30 countries.
Judah is an itinerant speaker, teacher, and Dgroup leader in CCF, and an associate of RZIM Asia. In 2009, he married his “Kapamilya” network and TV Patrol newscaster, producer, and host Earl Beja in Cana, Israel. They are blessed with three young children.
Paul sees himself as a recipient of God’s amazing grace. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and earned a Master’s Degree in Computer Science at the Ateneo de Manila University where he also played for the basketball varsity team.
From a troubled and violent past in his youth to Bible teaching today, Pastor Aumar Aguilar has come a long way in his spiritual journey.Pastor Aumar heeded God’s call to join CCF as a full time worker in 2009, and has been serving as CCF MAIN’s Discipleship Ministry pastor since 2018.
Paolo Zagala is a missionary under CCF Beyond, the Missions Department of CCF. He is single and actively involved in church planting movements and disciple-making in South Asia and Southeast Asia.
Dr. Jay Nuňez received his medical degree from the University of East Ramon Magsaysay Medical Center. He spent his internship at the Makati Medical Center where he earned the Most Outstanding Intern award but considers meeting his wife there as the more valuable award. He earned his Diplomate status in PDS in 1994.
Joel and Carolyn have been married 9 years this 2021. They have 4 little girls 6 years of age and younger. Together they serve the Lord discipling in small groups and through the music ministry.
Pastor Jonathan was born into a Christian family. At age 12, he made a conscious choice not to follow Jesus and lived a life of sin. At 17, the godly testimonies of some young people led him to ask God to save him. He burned everything connected to his old life and asked his parents for a Bible, and life was never the same again!
Michael L. Brown is the founder and president of FIRE School of Ministry in Concord, North Carolina, Director of the Coalition of Conscience, and host of the daily, nationally, syndicated talk radio show, the Line of Fire, as well as the host of the apologetics TV show, “Answering Your Toughest Questions”.
Michael R. Cariño is a speaker, writer, mentor, teacher, philosopher, theologian, pastor, missionary, and spirituality coach based in Manila, Philippines. He finished Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at Far Eastern University, Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies at International Graduate School of Leadership, and Master of Arts in Philosophy at the University of the Philippines.
Simon is the UK Director for RZIM Zacharias Trust. He holds degrees in law and economics, as well as legal studies and education from the University of Queensland, Australia. He received his post-graduate degree in theology from the University of Oxford and is currently taking his master’s at the University of St. Andrews.
Scott Carroll, PhD, organized one of the largest private biblical collections in North America in the 1990s. He then helped establish the core collection, initial exhibitions, and vision for what now forms the Museum of the Bible, in Washington, D.C. His training has focused on the ancient world, ancient manuscripts, and the history of the Bible.
Jonathan graduated from FEBIAS Bible College in 1998 and served as a youth pastor for a few years at Grace Gospel Church before joining CCF in 2007. He served in different capacities as part of CCF’s Training and Development team, interim youth pastor, and was in-charge of SNS (Saturday Night Service).
Max is passionate about the Gospel and its power to transform the lives of people and currently serves as the Asia Pacific Director for the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. He resides in Singapore with his wife, Fiona, and their two young children.
Best-selling author Jeff Kinley is passionate about communicating God’s vintage truth to this generation. He has guested on such shows as Fox&Friends, The Glenn Beck Show, The Ben Shapiro Show, and hundreds of national radio and television programs. He has also spoken to churches all across America, and beyond and has written over 30 books.
Dan is the founder of Questioning Christianity. After serving as an ordained Baptist pastor for 7 years, and after working at Malyon College leading the Traverse Centre and lecturing in apologetics, Dan joined the team of RZIM in 2015.
Jose was born and raised in India. He is serving with RZIM as an evangelist and apologist. He is currently based in Singapore with his wife Cinu and their two children, Jayden and Yara.
Martin Sanders is an engineer and his wife Beth, a banker, were living comfortably with their three young children in San Diego, CA when he sensed God’s call to ministry in Beth’s home country. He was an associate missionary pastor at CCF, teaching Bible studies and with his wife, disciples a group of businessmen, and their wives.
Pastor Narry holds doctorates in New Testament and Philippine Studies, wrote several books, including Slave of All: The Paradox of Authority and Servanthood in the Gospel of Mark and Turning our Shame into Honor: Transformation of the Filipino “Hiya” in Light of Mark’s Gospel.
Pastor Tim’s greatest passion in ministry is for the exposition of God’s word with application from His heart for the church and the lost. He enjoys leading, equipping, and encouraging other pastors in their ministry of the Word.
Jordan hailed from Perth Hills and grew up loving the outdoors together with his three brothers. He studied chemical engineering and graduated from Curtin University. He serves as a speaker for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. He is married to Rachel and recently welcomed their first child.
Dr. David Wold has a Master of Theology (Th.M.) in Bible Exposition from Dallas Theological Seminary, and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Prophetics from Louisiana Baptist University. While in college he was part of the Navigators Ministries. Ptr. David has served as senior pastor of various congregations within the Evangelical Free Church of America.
Pastor Nate served as a missionary-pastor at CCF Main when he and his family were based in Manila, Philippines in the late ’90s and up until 2012 when they moved back to his home country. As a CCF pastor, Pastor Nate taught numerous Bible study classes as GLC faculty, preached at Sunday worship services both at CCF Main and CCF satellites.